Bill Connolly

Comedian, Author, Marketing Expert

Bill Connolly is a soft skills expert, improvisational comedian, and content marketer. He is author of two books including The Success Disconnect: Why The Smartest People Choose Meaning Over Money and Funny Business: Build Your Soft Skills Through Comedy, and a frequent speaker on branding, personal and professional development, and building soft skills through comedic methodology. Connolly leads content efforts for Olapic, a visual earned content company, and resides in Los Angeles. He is the co-host and producer of "Angry Landlord," a monthly comedy showcase in Times Square. Click here for more information.

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3 Simple Ways to Give Yourself the Space to Be More Creative

Disconnect, set boundaries, focus on process.

Growing a Business

Leaders Succeed When They Go Where Their Fear Tells Them to Avoid

Performing artists believe their professional growth relies on taking the roles that scare them most. Business leaders, take note.

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Are Retail Brands Ready to Compete in the New Normal?

As consumers continue to drift from brick and mortar shops to online markets, retailers are surprisingly optimistic.

Making a Change

Stop Planning Your Career and Start Taking Action

If your career is stuck in neutral it's time to be honest about your future prospects and be willing to change direction.

Social Media

How BuzzFeed Discovered the Secret to Success on Social Media

The news organization was among the earliest to realize sparking an emotional response is what defines "great'' content.


The 9 Principles That People Who Feel Successful Say They Live By (Infographic)

Is there a success disconnect? Why the smartest people typically choose meaning over money.

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