Sherin Shibu: Page 12

Entrepreneur Staff
News Reporter

Sherin Shibu is a business news reporter at She previously worked for PCMag, Business Insider, The Messenger, and ZDNET as a reporter and copyeditor. Her areas of coverage encompass tech, business, strategy, finance, and even space. She is a Columbia University graduate.

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Robinhood Is Offering a Credit Card for the First Time — and It's Available in 10-Karat Gold

Robinhood wants to take a bite out of the Apple Card with its new Gold Card, which has up to 5% cash back with no fees. Here's what to know.

Business News

'Young People Have Lost Trust in Older Generations': BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Blames Boomers for the Retirement Crisis

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has $10 trillion in assets under management as of January, and more than half are for retirement.

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Compass Agrees to Pay $57.5 Million to Settle Real Estate Commissions Lawsuits

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General Motors Hits the Brakes on Sharing Driving Data Amid Lawsuit

Some GM drivers didn't know their data was being shared — until their insurance rates went up.