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The 5 Types of Videos Startups Need to Stay in the Game Video are extremely valuable to content-marketing strategies, yet, they continue to be one of the most underused assets in online marketing. Here are a few must-have videos for your company.

By Bryan Lovgren

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If you're not already implementing videos into your current marketing strategy, I'm sorry to say, you're grossly behind the market -- especially when mobile is becoming a bigger player. During 2013 more than 17 percent of global traffic came from mobile phones, according to Statista. More importantly, online video accounts for 50 percent of all mobile traffic according to the Bytemobile mobile analytic report. In other words, if you aren't implementing mobile you're site may, potentially, be losing out on bulk amounts of traffic.

While folding videos into a budget is enough to make anyone nervous, it's time to conquer those fears and start taking advantage of the immense benefits (including payoffs) video has to offer.

Here are five essential types of video to implement into any content-marketing strategy:

Interactive video

What it is: Interactive videos describe any video technology that allow users to have some level of interaction. The most common type of interactive videos offer users choices so that they may alter or change the outcomes of future parts during the video. Check out Bob Dylan's great example.

Related: 3 Tricks to Create Premium Video Content on a Budget

How to use: Interactive videos have a wide array of uses. For example, fashion sites can use interactive-video technology to give their users a choice to select different clothing styles or models within one video. Media outlets and publishers can also take advantage of interactive videos by creating news roundup videos that enable users to select which stories they'd like to watch.

What to avoid: Avoid creating interactive video just to create interactive videos. Irrelevant videos will not yield high quality results, even if they are interactive. Also avoid providing too many choices within a video. Navigation and interactivity should feel intuitive with strong calls-to-action.

Review video

What it is: Review videos describe any video that examine or assess companies, products or services. Think of camera, car or app videos that provide details, along with an analysis.

How to use: Review videos are an excellent way to showcase nitty-gritty details about products and services. Last year I ran a national survey asking respondents how many review sites they use when researching a product or service. More than 62 percent of respondents said they use two or more review sites when researching products and services. I recommend creating an in-depth review of your company, product, and/or service describing important details and benefits.

What to avoid: Review videos are an opportunity to share a well-rounded view of your product or service. Avoid self-promotion by embracing perceived weaknesses of your product or service and turn them into strengths through your review.

Testimonial video

What it is: Testimonial videos are videos that use customers, partners, and vendors to discuss their experience(s) using a particular product or service.

How to use: Testimonial videos are a great way to make partners, customers, and vendors the heroes. Use testimonial videos to feature awesome aspects of your products, services, and company.

What to avoid: Fake testimonial videos should be avoided at all costs. In addition, I strongly recommend resisting the temptation to hire proxies or actors for your testimonial videos. Every effort should be made to use authentic, real people for testimonial videos.

Related: 4 Video Tools for Startups With Little Cash

Blog video

What it is: Blog videos are videos that showcase, support or enhance blog content. These videos tend to be more casual and range from 45 seconds up to three minutes.

How to use: Use blog videos to share tips, hacks and tricks with your community. Blog videos are a great way to connect with audiences and provide a personality for your business.

What to avoid: Like blog articles, blog videos should be relevant and provide high amounts of perceived value to your visitors. Avoid producing videos that exceed three minutes and contain redundant information.

Experiential video

What it is: Experiential videos may also be referred to as branded or positioning videos. Experiential videos attempt to create a distinct impression within the customer's mind. This attempt often involves connecting feelings and emotions to a brand.

How to use: Experiential videos may be the most difficult type of video to execute effectively. That said, if done well, experiential videos can yield some of the greatest benefits and rewards. Use experiential videos to connect emotions and feelings to your brand. Check out this great example from a Thai life insurance company.

What to avoid: I consider experiential videos to be one of the riskiest video genres for businesses. Avoid cutting corners and taking shortcuts. Be prepared to invest in your experiential videos (more than other types) to receive your desired dividends.

Videos are an underused commodity in content marketing. I strongly recommend integrating a more aggressive video approach in your digital strategies.

Related: The Idiot's Guide to Making a Video for Your Business

Bryan Lovgren

Co-Founder of TrustaFact

Bryan Lovgren is co-founder of TrustaFact, a website application that determines how trustworthy any website is with your money and personal information.

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