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What Kind of Entrepreneur Are You? Take the quiz to see which sort of 'trep you are.

By Gina Piccalo

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

A successful entrepreneur isn't always the classic, bull-by-the-horns risk-taker of legend. Sure you'll need passion, drive and a good idea. But moxie will only get you so far. You've got to know your strengths and know how to make the most of them. This questionnaire, which is loosely based on a classic personality test, can give you a sense of just how well suited you are to the work that you do. Are you the industrious captain of industry like Martha Stewart? Or more of a Creator like Steve Jobs? Circle the number nearest the trait that is generally more descriptive of you. If the two terms are equally descriptive, circle the mid-point. Add the scores as shown below. Your strengths lie not in the stars but in the sums.

Who Am I?

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