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Yelp Listings, Reviews to Be Featured in Yahoo Search Results With the partnership, Yahoo's data on local businesses is about to get a lot more detailed.

By Jason Fell

If you use Yahoo to search for local businesses, your search results are about to get a lot more detailed. The tech giant is partnering with customer review site Yelp to integrate the site's business listings and review data into Yahoo's search engine.

So, if you're walking around your neighborhood and looking for a local coffee shop, Yahoo's search engine could soon provide more than just a link to the business's website -- including the shop's address, hours and some customer reviews.

News of the partnership was unveiled last week at a Yahoo employee meeting, The Wall Street Journal reported. A Yelp spokesperson declined to comment about the partnership.

The deal with Yelp could help differentiate Yahoo's search engine from Google's and Microsoft's Bing, according to the WSJ report. While Yahoo and Microsoft's search results differ, the companies have a partnership whereby Microsoft manages the technology platforms that deliver the algorithmic and paid search results for both companies.

Related: At Yahoo, a $42 Million Change of Heart

Jason Fell

Entrepreneur Staff

VP, Native Content

Jason Fell is the VP of Native Content, managing the Entrepreneur Partner Studio, which creates dynamic and compelling content for our partners. He previously served as's managing editor and as the technology editor prior to that.

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