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Who Are You Spending Your Time With? Elevate Your Circle to Unlock Your Full Potential You have a great power inside of you waiting for you to capture it and show it to the world. The people in your circle can stoke that fire or extinguish it. It all comes down to mindset.

By Jessica Dennehy Edited by Chelsea Brown

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You have a great power inside of you waiting for you to capture it and show it to the world. Sometimes you need a little inspiration and guidance to turn that little flicker inside into a roaring fire. The people in your circle can stoke that fire or extinguish it. It all comes down to mindset.

Who are you spending your time with? Do you surround yourself with people who challenge your thinking and encourage you to see your greatest potential? If your answer is no, then it's time to connect with people who do.

Related: How to Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve the Impossible

Continue to learn

You might have heard that it's best to be the smartest or most successful person in the room. It's empowering to share your knowledge and lead others. You have worked hard to get where you are today, and it feels amazing for people to recognize your success and look up to you. But unless you continue to learn, always being the most successful person in the group can lead to stagnation. There are even bigger, more amazing things waiting for you to discover them.

I'm super passionate about sharing my knowledge with small business owners, because I know there is so much out there for them. I want them to see all the amazing possibilities they may not realize are available. And I also know that in order to keep providing value to others, I have to continue learning and growing myself. I must feed my inner fire and keep it burning. Yes, I was already a successful business owner. But I knew there were many more ways I could evolve, and I am determined to find them so I can ignite even more sparks of passion.

I had an opportunity to attend an event with entrepreneurs who were more successful than I was at the time. I had excuses to not put myself in the room with them. I could have said it wasn't the right time. I didn't know any of the people attending. I didn't have anything to offer the group. These are common excuses that hold you back. Guess what? There will always be an excuse! One event, one moment or even one idea can change the course of your entire life for the better!

All the people who inspire you also had an excuse at one time or another. The reason you are looking up to them is because they stepped into their power instead of letting their excuses stop them. They surround themselves with a circle of people who are ahead of them in business and life. You might feel uncomfortable in this new environment at first. It means you're challenging yourself. Lean into the challenge, and amazing growth will follow.

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Open your mind

It's easy to think that successful entrepreneurs and high achievers are slaying it every day. But the truth is, they have made many mistakes and faced failures to get where they are now. They know how it feels, and they're willing to help you avoid similar pitfalls. You can learn from their experiences, gain a different perspective and draw new inspiration to achieve your own big goals.

The power of genuine networking that happens in a high-level group is invaluable. It's not about handing out your business card, cold pitching strangers, or simply talking about yourself. Take the time to really listen to what others have to say, learn about the path they took to get where they are today, and build real relationships. It will open your mind to the abundant possibilities and help you make deep connections so you can achieve lasting greatness.

When I returned home from that event, I felt rejuvenated. I was all revved up from the energy I felt from the group, and I poured all that magic into everything I love. My family saw how happy I was, and my employees were excited about all the new ideas and plans I created. The support and encouragement I received ignited an even greater passion inside of me.

After I connected with that group, my mind was open to the greater power I had within myself. I had not been fully sharing my true potential. The encouragement of my new circle allowed me to go even farther than I would have on my own. Since then, I've written two books, expanded my business and developed a coaching program to help more entrepreneurs elevate their own lives. I have strengthened the bond with my children and deepened personal relationships as well.

Related: How to Reach Your Full Potential

You, too, are destined to achieve a greater level of success. Opportunity doesn't wait for the ideal time, it presents itself. You must decide if you'll hop on for the ride. If I had let my excuses keep me from surrounding myself with higher achievers, I would not be where I am today.

The most important thing you can do to inspire yourself for greatness is to connect with people achieving more. They will help fan the flames of your inner fire, elevating yourself, your business and your life. When you pivot your mindset, you will slay your goals!

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Jessica Dennehy

CEO of Pivot & Slay

Jessica is a 2x best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur & former Wall Street attorney. Through her coaching company, Pivot & Slay, she empowers entrepreneurs to embrace their CEO Power, exit their comfort zones and start taking the risks necessary for success.

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