Liam Keeney

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"Save A Train" Announces Plans to Reach Carbon Zero

With its unique features, this innovative platform has the potential to revolutionize the industry by leading the way to carbon-zero emissions.


Fostering Innovative Leadership in Global Finance and Social Impact

By integrating innovative business practices with a strong commitment to social responsibility, these leaders are setting new standards for what it means to be at the helm of a successful enterprise in the 21st century

News and Trends

The Anxiety Epidemic: Insights into What Makes It Worse

Anxiety is the new epidemic, a result of modern lifestyle. It is common knowledge that humans are plagued by worse anxiety than our ancient ancestors. According to the statistics, 18.1% of the US population is affected by anxiety, which makes it the most common mental ailment in the country.


Unlocking Amazon's Global Potential: This Company's Strategies for Brand Expansion

Managing stock, crafting compelling content, running effective ad campaigns, and navigating the day-to-day intricacies of Amazon seller or vendor accounts can be challenging. Here is where Shane Quigley and his company, SHIFT, help businesses.


How This Entrepreneur Transforms Workplaces: A Guide to Boosting Productivity

As a company leader, one must adopt certain approaches that make the workforce more productive

Growth Strategies

Meet The CEO Who Is Transforming The Talent Business Across The Middle East And Beyond.

Gosia is the founder of the MMG Group of companies, launched in 2008, which includes MMG Models, MMG Artists, and MMG Talent, democratizing opportunities in the creative industry. This ecosystem of services has allowed her to offer comprehensive solutions to her clients, adapting and evolving according to market demands.

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