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Where to Be an Entrepreneur 10 startup-friendly cities--and their success stories--show how small business is thriving.

By Jason Daley

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

There's something that statistics just can't capture about the entrepreneurial spirit of a town. In some cities, the do-it-yourself business ethic may spring from a ruined economy. In others, small-business booms were carefully engineered by long-term government policies, or developed as a byproduct of rapid growth. Whatever the case, you'll know it when you step into an entrepreneurial city: There's an openness and energy that permeates the whole culture, an infectious enthusiasm throughout the small-business community, and a faith that any problem can be overcome through dedication and smart decisions. Here are 10 cities we think embody the entrepreneurial spirit--and some of the entrepreneurs that power them to greatness.

Las Vegas
The Opportunity: Las Vegas

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