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What Motivates Entrepreneurs to Do What They Do? (Infographic) Running your own business is stressful, tiring and risky. So, why bother? A new survey reveals some surprising insights.

By Catherine Clifford

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Being a business owner is all about the Benjamins, right? Well, actually, no.

More entrepreneurs say they are driven to become successful business owners because of the sense of personal achievement it provides than for financial stability, according to a new survey by online small-business community Manta and tech giant Dell.

Related: Fewer Americans Are Launching Businesses. Here's the Silver Lining. (Infographic)

Of the more than 3,000 small-business owners surveyed, 37 percent say their No. 1 motivation is the feeling of self-worth they enjoy in fulfilling a lifelong dream. About two-thirds as many respondents reported that their top motivation is money and a feeling of financial security.

For many entrepreneurs, being recognized for their hard work, either through an award or happy customers, gives them the energy to keep pushing through the long days, according to the survey. Almost 4 out of 10 survey respondents said that their first repeat customer was their most significant business milestone.

Related: The Formula Startups Use to Make Billions (Infographic)

Take a spin through the infographic below for a deeper look at what drives business owners. And tell us in your own words: What drives you as an entrepreneur?

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What Motivates Entrepreneurs to Do What They Do (Infographic)

Catherine Clifford

Senior Entrepreneurship Writer at CNBC

Catherine Clifford is senior entrepreneurship writer at CNBC. She was formerly a senior writer at, the small business reporter at CNNMoney and an assistant in the New York bureau for CNN. Clifford attended Columbia University where she earned a bachelor's degree. She lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. You can follow her on Twitter at @CatClifford.

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