This Startup Wants to Make Shopping Online Even Easier The founders of Skipstone aim to make product reviews over video more accessible and much more reliable.
By Jason Fell

LAS VEGAS -- So, you have a problem or a need and you go online to search for a solution. Yet, the right product or service isn't plainly obvious. Even worse, the process of researching services is muddled with inconclusive information from various sources with varying levels of reliability
I've experienced this frustration myself. It's a serious pain in the you-know-what.
Thankfully, Troy Ontko and David Ernst want to simplify this process. The pair of tech entrepreneurs has created Skipstone, a startup that is on a mission to change how people engage with and produce online product videos. With the product officially launching this year, they're here at CES 2015, exhibiting at the Eureka Park tech zone.
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To get a better sense of Skipstone, check out this quick clip:
I chatted quickly with co-founder David Ernst about Skipstone, how it works and who it's for. Here's what he had to say.
Entrepreneur: What brings you to CES and Eureka Park this year?
Ernst: We are very excited about showing what Skipstone has to offer. We believe that our software platform will change the way video is used and will enhance the value of video.
Entrepreneur: Where did the idea come from?
Ernst: Troy Ontko, our founder, had the idea. He realized videos were not all they could be and envisioned an environment where one could interact with a video to get your questions answered.
Entrepreneur: OK, how the heck does it work?
Ernst: The software platform allows the creator of the video to produce an interaction with the video through voiced or typed questions. The video uses key words that are tagged to create the interaction (the response to the question).
Entrepreneur: Gotcha. Who are your target customers?
Ernst: Anyone who uses video as a way to reach customers. The interest and opportunities are very exciting. Additionally, businesses that represent or engage with organizations to reach customers -- marketing agencies for example -- have reached out to us.
Entrepreneur: How much does it cost?
Ernst: Our pricing model is under development. The software-as-a-service (SAAS) model will be used and all services that we provide will be value priced to meet the needs of any brand or organization.
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