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Warm Up to Cold Calls Everyone hates making cold calls---until they learn how to do it properly. Follow these 7 steps to overcome your fear, and start dialing for dollars.

By Kim T. Gordon

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Can you name one of the most prevalent fears among newentrepreneurs? If you guessed "cold calling," you'reright. Some entrepreneurs feel shy about initiating contacts. Forothers, the possibility of coming across as a salesperson makesthem uncomfortable. Yet making telephone contact with prospects isessential, whether it's to form relationships or follow up onleads. If you can't ask for the business you need, you might aswell step aside and watch your competitors steal the show.

The truth is, cold calling is easy to learn and a whole lot offun once you master it. Just follow these seven importantsteps.

1. Practice consultative selling. There's nothingadversarial or pushy about an effective cold call. Simply uncoverand fill needs in a friendly, noncombative way by imagining thatyour prospects are neighbors coming to you for advice. Use the samerelaxed tone and easygoing manner.

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