Michael Spadaccini

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Starting a Business

The Basics of Business Structure

Sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs and corporations--learn the differences and which one fits your company best.

Business News

Business Structure Basics

Trying to determine which business structure is right for you? Find out all you need to know about the pros and cons of sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and LLCS.

Business News

Ten Steps to Organizing an LLC

Jump right in as we take you step by step through the process of forming your own limited liability company (LLC).

Growing a Business

Forming an LLC in Nevada

Is there really an advantage to basing your LLC in Nevada? Or is that just a myth? One business attorney spells out the pros and cons.

Growing a Business

Operating Your Corporation

Once you've incorporated your business, you've got to maintain your corporate responsibilities. This easy to-do list will keep you organized.

Growing a Business

Common Cases in Small Claims Court

For entrepreneurs, contract disputes and landlord-tenant disagreements are the two most frequent reasons you'll pay a visit to small claims court. Find out how to prepare a winning case.

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