Emily Washcovick: Page 5

Small Business Expert at Yelp

As Yelp’s Small Business Expert, Emily is meticulously focused on helping local business owners succeed and grow. Her expertise lies in customer engagement, reputation management, and all things digital marketing. Through speaking engagements and thought leadership, Emily shares industry insights that entrepreneurs in any business category can leverage for the growth and well-being of their businesses. She is also the host of Behind the Review, a podcast from Yelp and Entrepreneur Media, where each episode features conversations with a business owner and a reviewer about the story and lessons behind their interactions.

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Latest: Page 5

Science & Technology

Leveraging Technology for a Better Consumer Experience

Technology can be a tricky thing for a small business. Used correctly, technology can increase revenue and streamline operations.


Great Customer Service is Always On Tap at San Angelo Brewpub

Brandon Gardner has a long history in customer service, so it made perfect sense to use that expertise when he bought SoCo Taphouse in San Angelo, Texas in 2015.


Using Customer Behavior to Maximize Your Online Presence

We know that digital presence is a critical part of business strategy, but how can business owners and marketing managers ensure that their plans are effective?

Business News

The Beauty of Patiently Developing Brand Awareness

Business owner Kristin Near's successful strategy has sparked stellar customer referrals and online reviews, keeping her in business for eight years and counting.

Growing a Business

Business Owners Make a Strong Case for Responding to Online Reviews

In this episode, hear from several business owners about how they use online reviews to strengthen their business practices, boost morale, and encourage customers to return again and again.

Health & Wellness

Putting Mental Health On The Table with Skull and Cakebones

For most business owners, your business is you—and you are your business. With identities intertwined in business plans and goals, setting boundaries between your work and personal life is a challenge.