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Business News

How Can You Make the Recruiting Process Faster?

Did you know that the average time to fill a position is 42 days? However, this varies by industry. Still, during that span, top talent may accept an offer elsewhere....

Business News

12 Pro Tips That Will Increase Company Retention

Employee retention is critical to your company’s survival in the saturated, competitive international job market. Moreover, retention is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today. The number of people...

Business News

Be Deliberate, Time Management Skills Don't Improve by Accident

At the time of this writing, it's spring. So, I've been spending as much time as I can outside. A few ways to spend a great time outside are by...

Business News

Schedule Your Calendar This Way to Increase Productivity

The art of planning your workday to put your mind at ease and maximize productivity is the key to long-term success. But that's easier said than done. After all, we...

Business News

You'll Have the Most Impact by Prioritizing Your Appointments

When it comes to appointments, I adhere to one rule and one rule only. Always schedule your meetings with employees, customers, prospects, partners, and other business associates ahead of time....

Business News

Five New Workflow Improvements to Add to Your Calendar

A typical eight-hour workday includes about three hours of work spent on personal or unnecessary tasks. Or, to put that another way, every week, 15 hours are wasted on non-productive...