The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI Learn how to put 'social' back into social media and claim brand relevancy.

Originally aired Nov 20, 2019

Social networks are the new norm, and traditional marketing is failing in today's digital, always-on culture where businesses across the world have to face up to how they remain relevant in the choppy waters of the digital ocean. In an era where a YouTube star gets more daily impressions than Nike, Coca-Cola, and Walmart combined, traditional marketing as we know it is dead.

In this virtual workshop led by Carlos Gil, bestselling author of “The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI,” international keynote speaker, and former Sr. Manager, Social Media at LinkedIn, discover how to put 'social' back into social media and claim brand relevancy in a world where algorithms dominate, organic reach is dwindling, and consumers don't want to be sold to, they want to be engaged.


  • Discover bold content ideas and engagement strategies to stand out in a noisy digital ocean.
  • How the world’s leading brands are taking community management to the next level (i.e., Wendy’s) and how every brand should spend more time paying attention to what’s said about them and their competition.
  • A lesson on what Facebook and other social networks will penalize content marketers for including click-bait and fake news. Learn what to post as well as where, when, and how to engage.
  • Fine-tune your approach to finding your customers on social media and build long-lasting relationships one by one through direct conversation and content that converts to sales.
  • Why every company should replace its logo online with a face and a name – to stay relevant.
  • The battle of AI versus human and how to “futureproof” your company and job over the next decade.

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