Target: Page 5

Business News

Target to Cut Thousands of Jobs as It Seeks to Trim Costs by $2 Billion

The big retailer is battling back after a massive data breach and sluggish performances.


10 Questions to Ask When Designing Your Company's Logo

Logos are the face of your company, the harbingers of the all-important first impression. Follow these pro tips to hit your first logo out of the park.

Business News

Can Target's New CEO Re-Energize the Big Retailer?

A detailed look at Brian Cornell's new approach to a process-heavy company.

Growing a Business

'Alex From Target' Quits Cashier Gig to Pursue Movies, Music and National Tour

In a new YouTube video, the 17-year-old announced he would be going on tour, vending merchandise and pursuing a career in entertainment.

Business News

The Marketing, Merchandising and Mainstreaming of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

How businesses and big box stores are planning to cash in.

Business News

U.S. to Establish New Cybersecurity Agency

A senior Obama official says the new agency will monitor cybersecurity threats, pooling and analyzing information on a spectrum of diffuse risks.

Business News

Target Is Done With Canada

The retail company announced it will discontinue operations in the country after racking up billions in losses.

Business News

How an Innovative NYC Boutique Wooed Target's CEO

Rachel Shechtman's STORY is a radical reimagining of retail, and giants are taking note.

Business News

5 Major Retailers That Are Doing Black Friday Differently

This year, stores are opening up shop earlier than ever on Black Friday. Check out how retail giants like Kmart, Walmart and Target are planning to start off the holiday sales season.

Business News

Wal-Mart, Target Gird for Toughest Black Friday Battle Yet

The retailers are offering deeper and longer discounts this coming Black Friday, fighting to win a holiday neither can afford to lose.

Social Media

#AlexFromTarget Likely Not a Marketing Scheme So Much as a Good Old-Fashioned Meme

A beta startup called Breakr is now back peddling from its initial claims that it was responsible for the viral spectacle.

Business News

Tell Us: Is it Wrong for Stores to Stay Open on Thanksgiving?

Should Thanksgiving be a day of rest for employees, or should we accept that Black Friday now starts on Thursday?

Data & Recovery

Home Depot Reports Bigger Breach Than Target; Criminals Used Custom Malware

Home Depot's cyberattack put 56 million credit cards at risk, significantly more than Target's breach.

Science & Technology

Prepare for the Attack of the Data-Sucking Cyber Zombies

Data breaches are the technology equivalent of burglary, so make a habit of locking up your data.

Business News

Watch Where You Swipe: Hackers Have Done More Damage Than You Realize

More than 1,000 American businesses have been affected by in-store cash register breaches, estimates the Department of Homeland Security.