Jacob Zinkula

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Business News

I Caught My Employee Secretly Working a Second Remote Job. Here's Why I Decided to Fire Them — and Why I Think Overemployment Is Unethical.

Some companies are cracking down on the "overemployed" trend of working multiple remote jobs.

Business News

A Millennial Explains How He Makes Over $250,000 Secretly Working 2 Remote Jobs — And Shares 4 Tips for the Overemployed

He says he has found "financial stability and freedom" and would love to add on a third job if he can find the right fit.

Business News

Sorry, New York and San Francisco: These 4 Red-State Cities Could Be the Future of America

Economic power is flowing to the middle of the country.

Business News

Meet a Millennial Mom Who Resurrected Her Career With a 10-day Crash Course on Semiconductors. She Landed a New Job, Learned New Skills, and Says the Pay Outweighs Long Hours.

Deloitte estimates that the industry could face a shortfall of 70,000 to 90,000 workers over the next few years.

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