John Boitnott: Page 4

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Journalist, Digital Media Consultant and Investor

John Boitnott is a longtime digital media consultant and journalist living in San Francisco. He's written for Venturebeat, USA Today and FastCompany.

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Latest: Page 4


How to Stay Organized and Productive While Working from Different Locations

Now that remote work is all the rage, perhaps you're spending more time at home or the local coffee shop than ever before. Here's how to maintain a sense of continuity and productivity, even if you're moving a lot from place to place.


This Expert Shares 5 Tips for Marketing a Boring Product

Just because your product or service isn't all that exciting, doesn't mean you can't get customers excited about it. Here are some strategies that will help them become more emotionally invested in what you offer.


The Marketer's Playbook for Retaining Customers and Bringing in New Ones — Even During a Recession

If your marketing team hasn't experienced an economic downturn before, make sure they head into it with the following playbook.


6 Ways to Get Federal Funding for Your Sustainable Business

Whether you want to go solar, electrify your company vehicles, or make building more efficient, new government money can help companies take part in the green revolution.


10 Keys to Avoiding Bad Client Experiences

Before you decide to start a new client relationship, make sure you offer what the potential partner actually wants or expects.

Resumes & Interviewing

Stop the Ever-Expanding Job Description from Hurting Your Company

Wordy job descriptions may look impressive at first, but they can also discourage that talented candidate from even applying.