Thought Leaders - Page 10

Tap into advice and insights from some of the business world's foremost thought leaders, and find out what it takes to join them.


Having Time Management Problems? Then You Must Do One Thing to Avoid These 3 Consequences

If you feel you don't have enough time to do it all, you're not alone. But doing this one simple activity every week can and will change everything for you.

Thought Leaders

The Era of Faceless Branding Is Over — Here's Why Modern Brands Fail and Publicity Reigns Supreme in 2024

No longer can a brand hide behind its company logo and expect to thrive.

Starting a Business

Get Over Imposter Syndrome and These 4 Other Hurdles of Being a New Entrepreneur With Help from Netflix's Co-Founder

Netflix co-founder breaks down five questions that most new entrepreneurs have and what you need to ask yourself to jump through the first stages of creating your own business.

More Posts on Thought Leaders


Are the Days of Good Customer Service Over? These 7 Hacks Can Bring it to Life at Your Company

Blow away the competition by using customer service and customer experience to make your company stand out, and to build true customer engagement and loyalty — while inspiring your employees as well.

Business News

He Owns and Operates a Dozen Popular Nightlife Venues in New York — Here's How He Kept All of His Businesses Afloat in a Crisis

Thatcher Shultz tells us how to innovate — and stay in business — when your industry is hit hard.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.

Growing a Business

The Founder of Is Now in the Baby Business — and Her Best Success Tips Are Relevant to All Entrepreneurs

Super-founder Fran Maier has been building businesses for more than 25 years.

Growing a Business

Want to Scale Up Without Selling Out? Do This First

Solidify your vision and culture to fuel sustainable growth.


Many Confident Leaders Resist Change — And These 5 Emotional Wounds Could Be to Blame

Five core emotional wounds keep low-conscious leaders from embracing the uncertainty of change, which can stunt the growth and innovation of their organizations — and negatively influence employees, culture, and the bottom line.

Money & Finance

These 5 Economic Trends Will Drive Consumer Spending in 2024

Consumers have been spending like there's no tomorrow — but has tomorrow finally arrived?


Asking the Right Questions in These 5 Circumstances Is Crucial to Your Company's Growth

Effective questioning keeps communication lines open, creating new opportunities for growth and establishing a culture of unity.

Business News

He Built a Personal Finance App That Manages $8 Billion for Half a Million Customers. Here Is the CEO of M1's Hard-Earned Advice for Future Founders.

On this episode of "The CEO Series," M1 founder and CEO Brian Barnes shares how his passion for investing led to the creation of this powerful personal finance app.


Women Are More Likely to Be Laid Off Than Promoted in Tech — Here's How We Can Change the Status Quo

In the face of a tech industry where women are more likely to be laid off than be promoted to leadership positions, it's time to hack the system and reboot the gender balance for good to turbocharge innovation and propel the industry.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How Job Seekers Can Craft the Ideal Application — and How Employers Can Create a Job Listing That Attracts the Right Candidates

Are you a small business looking for a new hire, or a job seeker who's not getting any callbacks? Here are some tips to get you through the door as a candidate, and get the right applicants through your door as a company looking to hire.