Data & Recovery - Page 9

There's no sense of panic like when you fear your data may be lost. Discover plenty of data recovery services, software, and more, to help you in a crisis.


How to Use Predictive Analytics for Improved Marketing and Customer Satisfaction

For any business, predictive analytics paves the way for personalized interactions that drive meaningful engagement at every stage.

Business News

Google Hopes Traditional Passwords Will Eventually Be 'Obsolete.' Here's What It's Using Instead.

The tech giant announced it will begin offering "passkeys" as a default option instead of passwords.


How to Use Data-Driven Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Investments

Delve into the ever-evolving realm of data-driven marketing and its profound influence on businesses across diverse sectors and scales

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Business News

23andMe Hackers Selling Stolen User Data, Including DNA Profiles of 'Celebrities,' on Dark Web

Ancestry and genetic test kit company 23andMe has fallen victim to a significant cyber attack, with hackers claiming to have account information for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, among others.


A Complete Guide to Local Keyword Research

In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of local keyword research and provide a step-by-step guide to help you conduct it.

Business News

The Next Stage Of Google's Rally Just Started

With last week's dip continuing to be reversed, it's starting to look like the next stage of the rally has already started

Science & Technology

How to Revolutionize Your Supply Chain by Harnessing the Power of Smart Technologies

Harnessing the power of IoT and smart technologies is a strategic move toward driving success and sustainability in supply chain management.


Why Reporting and Analytics Tools Are the Top Budget Priority for Marketers Today

Here's why reporting and analytics are at the top of marketers' wish lists today.

Business News

Severe Cyberattack Strikes Clorox, Derails Production and Financial Outlook

Clorox, known for its household cleaning products, suffered the cyberattack in August, but operations still have not returned to normal.

Business News

Google Is Laying Off Hundreds of Workers on Its Recruiting Team in Latest Round of Job Cuts

Affected employees will start receiving notification emails about the restructuring this week.

Business News

Google Paid Apple Billions for Access to iPhone Users. Now the Partnership's Under Scrutiny in a U.S. Antitrust Lawsuit.

The U.S. Department of Justice is suing Google and alleging that the company unlawfully maintained its search engine dominance through exclusionary deals with partners like Apple.


11 Marketing Trends That We Think Will Not Go Away Anytime Soon

While trends come and go, those key marketing tools have been a mainstay over the past few years and have seen their influence increase considerably.

Science & Technology

A Cybersecurity Expert Reveals Why You're a Cybercriminal's Next Target — and 5 Things You Can Do to Beef Up Your Defense.

The right plans and procedures can be the difference between thwarting a cyberattack and becoming headline news.