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How to Tell if Something is Written by ChatGPT It may not always but obvious, but there are a few telltale signs that can help you determine if a body of text was written by an AI.

By James Jones

This story originally appeared on

As we all come to terms with a world in which artificial intelligence is now mainstream and no longer a fantasy only seen in the movies, the need to know what elements of day-to-day life and experiences AI has influenced has never been greater.

OpenAI's ChatGPT was the first mainstream example of how useful AI can be for various people, businesses, and industries, but that doesn't mean it's perfect, accurate or the ultimate assistant to our everyday needs.

Related: After This 26-Year-Old Got Hooked on ChatGPT, He Built a 'Simple' Side Hustle Around the Bot That Brings In $4,000 a Month

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