
CEOs ganan hasta 200 veces más al año que los trabajadores

Un estudio reveló que la disparidad entre empleados y directores ejecutivos es cada vez mayor.


Social Media Savvy CEOs Are the Ones Impressing Customers. Here's How to Make Yourself (and Your Brand) Memorable.

CEO impact goes beyond the boardroom. Learn how executive visibility affects your brand and why a strong leadership branding strategy is so critical to your bottom line.

Business News

'Americans Just Work Harder' Than Europeans, Says the CEO of Norges Bank, the World's Largest Wealth Fund

About half of the fund's equities are invested in American companies.


The 4 Pros and Cons of Being a Part-Time CEO

The idea of a part-time CEO is gaining traction. But before you make the switch, here are some pros and cons to consider.

Business News

Evan Spiegel Proclaims 'Social Media Is Dead,' and Predicts Snap Is About to 'Transcend' the Smartphone, While Lashing Out at Rivals

"Social Media is Dead. Long Live Snapchat!" Snap's CEO wrote in the title of a leaked memo.


Un CEO es criticado por decir a sus empleados que necesitan trabajar más horas sin recibir paga adicional

En un correo electrónico navideño para sus empleados, les dijo: "No hay mucha historia de que la pereza sea recompensada con éxito". Los críticos dicen que su mensaje está "fuera de contacto".

Business News

Etsy's CEO Says the Timing of Laying Off 225 Employees So Close to Christmas Is 'Unfortunate'

Following the news, Etsy stock dropped over 5 percent.

Business News

BP's Former CEO Forfeiting $40 Million in Severance Due to 'Serious Misconduct'

Looney resigned from the company in September.


5 Ways to Overcome CEO Isolation and Improve Decision-Making

Effective CEOs use these five time-tested strategies to diminish isolation, improve decision-making, and maintain focus and productivity.

Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Dishes to Dua Lipa About His Succession Plan: 'I'll Be There A While'

Cook spoke with the pop star on the latest episode of her "Dua Lipa: At Your Service" podcast.

Business News

Costco's CEO Is Stepping Down After 11 Years – He Has 'Total Confidence' in His Successor

Craig Jelinek is stepping down after 40 years with the company. He started as a forklift driver.

Business News

The 38-Year-Old Leader of the AI Revolution Can't Believe It Either – Meet Open AI CEO Sam Altman

Altman is also involved in several other futuristic technology projects.