

10 of The Biggest Business Blunders In 2024 (So Far)

Think our largest brands are being run by the best and the brightest? These ten examples will make you think differently.

Business News

CEO Under Fire for Saying His Employees Need to Work Longer Hours — For No Extra Pay

In a holiday email to employees, he told his staff, 'There is not a lot of history of laziness being rewarded with success.' Critics felt his message was 'out of touch.'


Does Going 'Woke' Mean Going Broke? Inside the Polarized World of Socially Conscious Branding.

The best politically charged marketing and PR campaigns are ones where brands have an exact understanding of their customer profile and have gained a comprehensive analysis of their likes, dislikes, fears, and motivations.

Business News

Kevin O'Leary Slams Anheuser-Busch CEO's Listening Tour, Says It Won't Stop Bud Light Backlash for One Huge Reason

Anheuser-Busch U.S. CEO Brendan Whitworth announced plans to hear consumers out this summer.

Business News

In-N-Out Burger Implements No-Mask Policy in 5 States. Here's Why

In-N-Out Burger will forbid mask-wearing for employees without a valid medical note in five states starting August 14.

Business News

Angry Customers Boycotting Bud Light Haven't Meaningfully Impacted Sales, Says Anheuser-Busch CEO

AB InBev CEO Michel Doukeris addressed the controversy on an earnings call.

Business News

Costco Stamps Bud Light With Its 'Star of Death' After Severe Backlash

Bud Light sales are down more than 30% compared to June 2022.


To Speak or Not to Speak — When Should Your Company Take a Stand?

If you're unsure about whether or not your brand should speak up and take a public stance on controversial issues, here are instances when you should.

Business News

Hershey's Unveiled a Women's History Month Promotion, but Not Everyone Is Happy About It. Here's Why.

The brand's Canadian advertising campaign has drawn mixed reactions.

Business News

What is Lensa AI? And Does it Pose Privacy and Ethical Concerns?

The AI portrait app is taking over social media, but the platform has already raised concerns regarding privacy and the sexualization of women.


Kanye West's Ugly Brand Breakups Expose Risks of Partnering With Public Figures. Don't Overlook These DEI Red Flags to Avoid The Same Fate.

If the idea of working with a public figure triggers a gut check with members of your team because of the person's past comments and actions, reconsider whether you want your brand to be connected to that person.

Business News

Florida Chef's TikTok-Viral 'Pink Sauce' Raises Health Concerns, But She Won't Stop Selling It

Chef Pii won't share all of the secrets behind her sauce, but claims "no one has ever gotten sick" from it.

News and Trends

Sequoia Capital Responds, As Its Portfolio Firms Face Financial Fraud Allegations

The response comes at the time when some of its portfolio startups such as BharatPe, Trell and Zillingo have come under investigation for financial irregularities

Business News

A Bakery's 'Vulva-Nut' Doughnut Brings Pleasure to Its Customers

Yeah, it's shaped like that. And customers of a UK bakery (at least most of them) love it.