Starting a Business - Page 10

Not sure how to start your business? Whether you're looking to start a small business or are searching for grants, discover all the steps to starting a business.

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Starting a Business

Free Webinar | April 25: How to Launch a Business For Creative Minded People

You can monetize your creativity! Join our webinar on April 25th to ask globally recognized design executive Launi King anything you want to turn your passions into money. Register now!


Up to 90% of Startups Fail — But Innovation Accelerators Can Help Yours Succeed. Here's How.

Learn how innovation accelerators are powering startups, shortening time to market and increasing the survival rate of fledgling businesses.

Side Hustle

These Are the 10 Best States for Starting a Side Hustle, New Research Reveals

One side hustle might not be as lucrative as another — and location matters.


Is Franchise Ownership Your Next Wealth Move? Here's How It Compares to Four Other Income Streams

Let's explore how owning a franchise business stacks up against four alternative income streams: a corporate job, real estate investments, non-franchise business ownership and passive investments.

Starting a Business

This Private Jet Company Took Off Thanks to a Simple Philosophy: 'We Listen to Our Clients'

Kevin Wargo, CEO of Fly Alliance, discusses the launch and growth of the private jet charter, management, maintenance, and aircraft part sales company.

Starting a Business

I Built My Company to 23 Profitable Stores. Here's My Advice to Small Business Owners Who Want to Grow Their Retail Presence.

Studs co-founder and CEO Anna Harman shares the advice that helped her turn her piercing startup into a thriving business that puts consumers first.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Received This Advice as a Young Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is one of entrepreneurs' most challenging experiences. But, with the proper guidance, it can be among the most rewarding. Here's advice I wish I'd received when I was starting out.

Side Hustle

I Started a Semi-Passive Side Hustle That Earns $33,000 a Week on Amazon: 'Selling There Is a No-Brainer'

Dr. Jenny Woo wanted to create a product that would help people connect, and it turned out to be a lucrative one.

Business News

4 Party Entrepreneurs Bought 'Beer Can Island' in Florida's Tampa Bay for $63,000. They're Now Selling It for $14 Million.

It is commonly known as 'Beer Can Island' for the beer cans left behind by boaters.

Starting a Business

They Grew Up in a Financially-Challenged Single-Parent Home and Now These Twins Run a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Business. Here's How They Turned Hardship Into Inspiration.

How Jeremy and Joshua Mathis overcame adversity and turned their challenging upbringing into a foundation for real estate success.


5 Trailblazing Black Women Entrepreneurs Share How They're Breaking Barriers — And How You Can Too

52,374. That's how many Black women-owned businesses there were in the U.S. in 2020. Although this number might seem insignificant, their impact can be felt. According to J.P. Morgan, Black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs, and there's no end in sight.