Emily Rella: Page 18

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior News Writer

Emily Rella is a Senior News Writer at Entrepreneur.com. Previously, she was an editor at Verizon Media. Her coverage spans features, business, lifestyle, tech, entertainment, and lifestyle. She is a 2015 graduate of Boston College and a Ridgefield, CT native. Find her on Twitter at @EmilyKRella.

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Latest: Page 18

Business News

H&M CEO Abruptly Resigns Weeks After Advertisement Scandal: 'It Has Been Very Demanding'

Helena Helmersson has been with the company for 26 years.

Business News

Toyota Issues Immediate 'Do Not Drive' Warning For Over 50,000 Vehicles — Here Are the Cars to Look Out For

The car company warned of malfunctioning Takata airbags in three different models.


Un hombre logra entrar a Disney World usando un boleto de hace 46 años: "Ha estado acumulando polvo desde antes de que yo naciera"

Al momento de la compra, hace casi cinco décadas, el boleto costaba $8 dólares.

Business News

'We Just Lost It': Family Goes Viral After Husband Accidentally Orders 200 Chicken McNuggets

He meant to buy two orders of 10-piece nuggets while using the DoorDash app, but that is not what he ended up with.

Business News

Man Successfully Gets Into Disney World Using 46-Year-Old Ticket: 'It's Been Collecting Dust Since Before I Was Born'

The ticket cost $8 at the time of purchase nearly five decades ago.

Business News

Carnival Cruise Ship Rescues Two Men Stranded After Their Boat Sinks: 'They Were Adrift Way Too Far Offshore'

The men were found floating on a kayak in the Gulf of Mexico.