Resumes & Interviewing

Trying to navigate the hiring process? Whether you're the employer or the applicant, get the scoop on interviewing skills, resume tools and more, here.

Business News

A Software Engineer Worked at Tesla, SAP, and Salesforce. Here's How He Negotiated His Salary, Including a $520,000 Meta Offer.

He job hopped "quite a bit," but he used every switch, including a layoff, to land a better role with more pay.


5 Habits That Will Help You Leave Your 9-5 and Increase Your Income, According to a Former Nurse Who Did It

Katelynn Blackburn was tired of working 12-hour shifts and paying a full-time babysitter to care for her daughter.


Entry-Level Job Candidates Should Be Ready to Answer This Make-or-Break Question While Interviewing at Top Companies Like JPMorgan Chase, Talent Expert Says

A college degree might not be the strict requirement it once was — but successful applicants must be prepared to showcase another aspect of their resume.

Resumes & Interviewing

Find Jobs Easier with This AI Resume Builder on Sale for $90

Canyon Pro features automated resume writing, application autofilling, and more helpful tools for finding a job.

More Posts on Resumes & Interviewing

Resumes & Interviewing

6 Traits to Look For in Your Next Boss

These are the characteristics you need to look for to find a manager who understands they're in service to their teams — not the other way around.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Your Company Won't Grow Until You Follow These 4 Keys to Success

Giving people the freedom to create their own roles can set scaling companies on the path to growth.

Business News

I've Been Offered Every Job I've Interviewed For. Here Are 5 Questions I Ask Interviewers.

Career consultant Kendal Lindstrom says these five questions are the winning formula for landing the role.

Growing a Business

6 Game-Changing Skills, From Leaders Who Underestimated Them

These business leaders never imagined how important these skills would be.


Amazon, Apple Employees Share a Surging Workplace Complaint That Can Overshadow Even the Biggest Salaries

A new analysis gives insight into the employee experience at some of the largest companies in the U.S.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Practice Interviewing, Optimize Your LinkedIn, and More with This $80 AI Suite

Tools for practicing interviewing, training, recruitment, and so much more.

Resumes & Interviewing

Build a Better Resume with This $35 Subscription

AI Resume Builder promises to help you apply to jobs twice as fast.

Resumes & Interviewing

Ramp up Your Job Application Capabilities with This $60 Lifetime Deal

Utilize the power of this platform to apply with multiple job applications with a single click.

Business News

This Recruiter Uses a Late-Night Text Message to See if Candidates Are a Good Fit for a Job

The "text-message test" works for roles where clients expect workers to be super responsive.

Business Culture

How to Build a Workplace Community Where Everyone Thrives

Hiring for cultural fit is the best way to create a mutual partnership between employer and employee.