Sherin Shibu

Entrepreneur Staff
News Reporter

Sherin Shibu is a business news reporter at She previously worked for PCMag, Business Insider, The Messenger, and ZDNET as a reporter and copyeditor. Her areas of coverage encompass tech, business, strategy, finance, and even space. She is a Columbia University graduate.

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Selena Gomez Says She Isn't Selling Her $2 Billion Beauty Company

Gomez said in a new interview that she will be working on products for Rare "for the next few years."

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Google Leak Spills the Secret Sauce for Search Rankings — Here's What to Know

It's the biggest peek into Google's search secrets yet.

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Google News, Discover Outage Affects Millions

An outage affected millions of Google users on Friday, the company confirmed to Entrepreneur.

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'People Have the Right to Protect Their Likeness': Hollywood Lawyer Says Scarlett Johansson's OpenAI Controversy Is Only the Beginning

Johansson's push against OpenAI isn't the first legal action taken against the company.

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'It Was Pretty High Risk': Leader of the World's Largest Architecture Firm Says Going 'Off Track' Led to Being a CEO

In a commencement speech on Thursday, Gensler Co-Chair Diane Hoskins urged MIT graduates to "build a career of impact" over worrying about being "on track."


Según un nuevo análisis, esta es la fórmula ganadora para crear un podcast exitoso

Un nuevo estudio analizó los 50 mejores podcasts en los Estados Unidos y encontró muchas cosas en común. Esto es lo que tienes que saber.

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