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7 Ways You Can Use AI to 10x Your Leadership Skills While technology can boost individual efficiency and effectiveness, it's essential to balance their use with human intuition and creativity to avoid losing personal connection and to optimize workplace satisfaction.

By Gaurav Aggarwal Edited by Micah Zimmerman

Key Takeaways

  • Personal connection with your early customers and employees took you to where you are.
  • Striking the right balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and maintaining human intuition and creativity is vital to optimizing productivity in the modern workplace.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The number of AI-based tools is rising, and it has become difficult to keep track of the changes and updates happening daily in this space. New tools promise to optimize your day, with golden promises of making you a 10x version of yourself. Rightly so, but unfortunately, many employees are not using them to their potential. So, let us discuss how the best are having productivity boosts at their jobs.

1. Speeding up grunt work

AI-powered tools have become the ultimate sidekicks, seamlessly handling mundane yet crucial responsibilities. You can offload tasks like proofreading and summarizing to these AI models. While it is worthwhile going through scrolls of documentation, it is just tedious to write it down. The AI models can come into the picture here by taking a few ideas and making them into comprehensive documentation.

Furthermore, you can be even more efficient by letting AI tools engage with data entry tasks. Just a search away is the plentiful repository of no-code or low-code tools that fill that Excel sheet for you. With the ability to swiftly and accurately complete these tasks, employees can redirect their mental energy toward more challenging and rewarding endeavors.

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2. Automation

Planning, creating itineraries, and allocating resources are just a few areas where AI shines and is getting better. Employees can streamline their workflows by automating these processes, freeing up valuable time and mental bandwidth. No more time-consuming manual efforts; AI takes the reins, allowing professionals to focus on higher-level tasks that genuinely drive their organization forward. While all corporations and startups hurry to integrate AI into the curated set of tools they already provide, learning and implementing repetitive workflows has become increasingly easier.

3. Just-in-time learning

This is something a lot of people have realized AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini or any other generative AI tool you use have brought just-in-time learning to the center stage. You can now just learn the job while being at the job. The speed of interaction with these tools has become a great enabler, and it is thus a must to leverage and get ahead.

AI-powered tools offer just-in-time solutions. Stuck somewhere? A simple consolidated answer is ready for you! providing you with the knowledge and skills they need precisely when they need them. No more going through endless modules or attending lengthy training sessions; AI curates the most relevant information, ensuring that you are equipped with the right tools at the right time.

Related: The Importance Of Continuous Learning In The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

4. Improve decision support

Many people talk about making their decisions on the overall hunch - a gut feeling that drives their decisions, even in the presence of the various popular data-powered decision tools available. It's primarily due to the hassle with the incumbent tools and urgency of decision making which requires a faster approach.

With so much competition, it may be a fatal flaw to move forward using just intuition. The AI tools have reduced the turnaround time between data interpretation and the time required for decision making thus enabling a data-driven approach to decision-making. AI excels at analyzing vast troves of data, getting insights and presenting visualizations that aid in informed decision-making.

5. Personalizing interactions

Crafting personalized emails and providing tailored feedback are essential components of effective communication and employee development. AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data, understanding the nuances of each individual and their preferences. This invaluable insight can help employees craft messages and feedback that resonate deeply, fostering stronger connections and more productive collaborations. Not to encourage, telling your AI assistant to send all of your messages.

Remember, it's still an assistant, and the other party also has access to the same tools. An unwanted scenario we are seeing is humans passing the task to an AI assistant, leading to merely the two AI assistants talking to each other in a to-and-fro fashion, one drafting and the other summarizing. While this may be the path of least resistance, the premium to be paid is exactly the opposite of what we intend, that is, loss of personal connection. A choice you need to make on the path you take. Hence use them wisely!

Related: AI vs. Humanity — Why Humans Will Always Win in Content Creation

6. Streamlining interactions and feedback

In the space of customer service, AI can become an indispensable assistant. By compressing customer reviews, inquiries, and feedback into a single, centralized pipeline, AI tools can help teams to identify and address customer needs swiftly. People usually scrape reviews and feedback and go through them. AI tools can go one step further by creating a funnel for the team to address them more effectively.

7. Overcoming creative blocks

A common problem is that most professionals can be troubled by creative blocks. The thought is right at the tip of the tongue, but it still can't materialize into something meaningful. AI tools have emerged as invaluable brainstorming partners, offering fresh insights, transforming abstract ideas into concrete words, and refining blunt concepts by chiseling them to their fullest potential. You can throw out some words, ideas or notes and see them transform into better-developed frameworks that help you get further.

The landscape of business next is one where everybody has their assistant as support; thus, it's crucial to embrace these advancements with open arms. You can unlock untapped levels of efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and overall workplace satisfaction. However, it's important to remember that AI is not a universal cure. The point is that these collections of powerful tools must be used with skill. Striking the right balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and maintaining human intuition and creativity is key to truly optimizing productivity in the modern workplace.

Gaurav Aggarwal

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

CEO & co-founder at Truva AI

A builder at heart, Gaurav is solving customer adoption and churn for SaaS businesses at Truva AI, leveraging his experience from Google and Microsoft, and his success with Sleek, an AI startup recognized by Forbes AI 50 and Forbes30u30.

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