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I've Had Zero Turnover at My Company For 6 Years. Here's How We Did It — and How You Can, Too.

Struggling with retention? You might be missing this key component that's helped my company avoid employee turnover since 2018.


Leadership Lessons We Can All Take From the Sudden, Messy Closure of Two Popular Chains

Businesses fail for a variety of reasons, and it is up to executives to communicate effectively with employees and customers to avoid confusion, anger and ruined reputations.


Tough Conversations With Clients — We've All Had Them. Here's How to Handle Them More Effectively.

Difficult conversations about performance should not be the norm for any business, but sometimes they are unavoidable. Here's how to navigate them successfully.


This Woman Founder Is on a Mission to Make Education Accessible for All — No Matter Your Race or Gender. These Are the Three Lessons She Wants Other Industry Disruptors to Learn.

Lan Phan, founder of Community of Seven, said she was often the only woman of color at the decision-making table, and she wants to change that for the next generation. Here's what she wants other founders disrupting their industries to know from her experience.

Side Hustle

He Started a Salty Backyard Side Hustle That Out-Earned His Full-Time Job and Now Makes Over $1 Million a Year: 'Take the Leap'

In 2011, Kyle Needham turned his passion for oysters into a business that saw consistent monthly revenue "right away."


6 Guiding Principles Behind Every Successful Company — And Why You Should Follow Them to Excel

Certain common characteristics that I identified after analyzing the top companies currently active in the market can aid in achieving success. And all of them are applicable to every business.

Starting a Business

Here's What 86% of Hourly Workers Say Would Actually Make Them Happier at Their Jobs. (Hint: It Isn't More Money.)

John Waldmann, the CEO and co-founder of the small business team management app Homebase, discusses the launch of his business and the findings from his company's small business fulfillment survey.

Side Hustle

When This Entrepreneur Couldn't Decide What to Name His Business, He Started a $2,000-a-Month Side Hustle to Help — Now It Earns Over $10 Million a Year

Darpan Munjal, founder and CEO of AI-powered startup ecosystem Atom, offered $50 to anyone who could help with the creativity block.


Here's the Vital Thing That Founders Should Be Thinking About 'Morning, Noon, and Night,' According to This Female-Focused Company CEO

Coco Meers, the CEO and co-founder of Equilibria, a women-focused company that specializes in CBD products, on what it takes to sustain success.


How to Turn Workplace Conflict into a Strategic Advantage

Conflict is present in all organizations and takes numerous forms. Here's how organizations can harness conflict to create better outcomes and healthy conflict management cultures.


I Went on a Retreat to Reignite My Entrepreneurial Passion. Here's What I Learned That Will Forever Change The Way I Lead.

An international adventure could be exactly what you need to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.