Money & Finance - Page 2

Money on your mind? From side hustles to cryptocurrencies, there are many ways of making money. See tips on how to make money and details on financing options.

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Money & Finance

Finally, Tax Season is Over. Or Is It? Here are 5 Things You Need to Do All Year to Reduce Tax-Season Stress.

With a solid tax plan, you'll have peace of mind to go out into the world and enjoy the post-tax season sun.

Growing a Business

How Small Businesses Can Master a Complex Labor Market

Navigating today's labor market is a high-stakes game for small businesses as they compete to attract top talent. Here are a few strategies for small businesses to consider as they build and strengthen their teams.


I've Negotiated High-Pressure, Multi-Million-Dollar Deals for Artists Like Bruno Mars and Enrique Iglesias — Here's the Strategy That Always Helps Me Win

Lylette Pizarro, founder and co-managing partner of Influence Media Partners, reveals what it takes to succeed in the dynamic music industry and beyond.

Side Hustle

These College Friends Started a 'Fun' Side Hustle That Landed Them on 'Shark Tank'— Now the Idea Is Helping Dozens Make Extra Cash: 'Start Saying Yes'

Jess Blakley and Willow Sprague brainstormed a business that would allow them to hang out more — but it turned into something much bigger.

Side Hustle

The Sweet Side Hustle She Started in an Old CVS Made $800,000 in One Year. Now She's Repeating the Success With Her Daughter — and They've Already Exceeded 8 Figures.

Mother-daughter team Elisabeth and Gina Galvin are taking their snack brand Stellar Snacks to new heights, literally — you've probably seen their products in-flight.

Money & Finance

This One Skill Will Make or Break Your Success As a Day Trader

How you act when the chips are down is crucial to your trading success.

Growing a Business

Turn Your Startup into a Powerhouse With These 6 Financial Growth Hacks

Actionable financial hacks and strategies to help entrepreneurs manage their finances better, increase revenue, and grow their businesses.

Money & Finance

Young People Should Take 2 Steps If They Want to Buy a House Without Generational Wealth, Says Financial Educator Who Paid Off $50,000 Debt in 2.5 Years

Giovanna Gonzalez, The First Gen Mentor and author of 'Cultura and Cash,' reveals how to improve net worth despite a "different starting line."

Business Plans

Key Financial Metrics Every Founder Should Know About

Getting a handle on your startup's finances is essential for any new business owner.

Money & Finance

12 Books That Self-Made Millionaires Swear By

The bookshelves of millionaires can inspire you to build your wealth. Here are 12 must-reads they recommend.