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Science & Technology

What's Blocking You From Adopting Generative AI in Your Business? It's Likely One of These Three Things

Although generative AI applications are transforming industries by boosting work efficiency and potentially yielding high returns on investment, the adoption rate of such technologies is advancing slowly. There are three barriers hindering business leadership's adoption of AI technologies — and three strategic approaches to surmount these obstacles.

Business News

Amazon's Free Credits for Startups Now Cover the Use of AI Models, Even From Competitors Like Meta

The company says it has offered startups more than $6 billion in credits over the past 10 years.


A Student in an Ivy League University's Most Popular MBA Leadership Class Asked a Tough Question: What If Your Boss's Downfall Is Necessary to Get Ahead?

The GenAI-powered coach from Mentora Institute, the global institute dedicated to developing exemplary leaders and accelerating performance, was ready to answer.

Science & Technology

The 7-Step ChatGPT Formula for Peak Productivity and Profit

With this powerful solution, you can take your productivity and profitability to new heights with ease.

Business News

Elon Musk's Newest AI Chatbot Outperformed ChatGPT in One Key Area

Musk's AI startup announced an upgrade to its Grok chatbot on Thursday.

Business News

Here's the First Picture of Apple's New Device That Updates iPhones While They're Still in the Box

The setup looks like a high-tech bakery cart — with boxed Apple iPhones instead of apple pies.


How to Choose the Right AI Partner for Your Business

A capable AI partner should provide easy integration for an efficient and cohesive advertising ecosystem, ensuring that all parts work harmoniously together.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg Told Meta Engineers to 'Figure Out' Snapchat's Privacy Protections: 'We Have No Analytics on Them'

Recently unsealed court documents detail "Project Ghostbusters," Meta's project to work around Snapchat's end-to-end encryption to intercept data.


How Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Marketing Landscape — and How Your Business Can Leverage It Effectively

How can physical goods be endowed with digital content? What is phygital marketing, and why will everyone be involved in it in the next five years? Here's what you need to know.

Science & Technology

Why You Should Incorporate AI into Your Business — and How to Do It the Right Way

The proliferation of generative AI tools has made the technology ever more accessible and relevant. Here's how you can apply it to your business as well.


4 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Targeted Advertising — And How to Balance Its Ethical Implications

AI-powered targeted advertising revolutionizes marketing with hyper-personalized promotions. However, ethical and transparency questions hover over this progress.