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Nextdoor's CMO Says Small Businesses Are Underutilizing One Critical Tool That Could Propel Their Marketing Efforts

Small businesses that stand to realize major leaps with the advent of this incredible technology, particularly in their marketing strategies

Side Hustle

4 Simple Mistakes That Can Crush Your Creative Side Hustle, From an Expert Who Raised $45 Million to Support Independent Workers

Ben Huffman, CEO and co-founder of Contra, became a "power user" on Elance and Odesk (now Upwork) and realized freelancers needed more support.

Science & Technology

How to Keep Yourself Relevant in the Age of AI

As AI reaches further into our lives, what can you bring to the table that technology cannot replicate? The new book "The Wolf Is At The Door" offers a whole new way to look at the AI revolution.

Science & Technology

6 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Startup Ecosystems

Here's how AI is transforming the startup landscape — and how you can leverage AI to gain a competitive advantage and fuel long-term growth.

Business News

Apple Is Reportedly in Negotiations to Build Google's Gemini AI Into iPhone Features

At one point, Apple may have been considering OpenAI's technology instead.

Social Media

A TikTok Ban Could Threaten the Livelihood of Many Entrepreneurs — Here's How Businesses Can Protect Themselves

It's time to pivot – not panic. Here's your go-to guide through the TikTok ban or sale saga.

Business News

Cybertruck Engineer Asks Tesla Owners to Please Stop Beating Up the 'Tortured' Truck

Over the past few months, Cybertruck owners have been putting their trucks through a battery of tests — and beating up the vehicles in the process.

Social Media

I Made Over $250,000 in One Year as a Content Creator — Here's Why I'll Never Rely on It as My Main Income

Brand deals are overrated. Successful creators know that long-term success comes from independence and diversification.

Money & Finance

4 Promising Industries Investors Should Be Watching in 2024

Wondering whether your industry is on the decline or set to expand? Read on for these predictions on the best sectors for growth in 2024.

Business News

Watch: SpaceX Starship Rocket Liftoff and Test Flight from Texas

SpaceX's Starship is the most powerful (and largest) rocket in the world.

Side Hustle

The Remote Side Hustle a 43-Year-Old Musician Works on for 1 Hour a Day Earns Nearly $3,000 a Month: 'All From the Comfort of Home'

Sam Ziegler wanted to supplement his income as a professional drummer — then his tech skills and desire to help people came together.