Living - Page 3

Live your best entrepreneurial lifestyle. Learn about the latest in health and wellness, productivity hacks, travel tips and more, here.

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Keep the Team Pumped with This Outdoor Speaker — $39 Off

What are your team offsites looking like this year? This discounted speaker can help.

Side Hustle

These College Friends Started a 'Fun' Side Hustle That Landed Them on 'Shark Tank'— Now the Idea Is Helping Dozens Make Extra Cash: 'Start Saying Yes'

Jess Blakley and Willow Sprague brainstormed a business that would allow them to hang out more — but it turned into something much bigger.


Bring Education into the Office with This $180 Deal on Curiosity Stream

Access award-winning documentaries on a range of subjects that can inspire creativity and fuel research.


4 Ways to Support Your Child Through the College Acceptance (and Rejection) Process

Rejections from dream colleges can cause distress and disappointment for students. But with a healthy and understanding environment at home, created with these four strategies, you can help your teen cope and bounce back.

Starting a Business

This Mother and Daughter Were 'Kind of Fringe Weirdos' When They Started an Uncommon Business in Their Garage. Now They're in Major Retailers — and Victoria Beckham Is a Fan.

Jenefer and Melissa Palmer's slow-and-steady approach to growth helped their skincare and body care brand OSEA thrive over decades — but lately they've been taking things up a notch.

Side Hustle

The Sweet Side Hustle She Started in an Old CVS Made $800,000 in One Year. Now She's Repeating the Success With Her Daughter — and They've Already Exceeded 8 Figures.

Mother-daughter team Elisabeth and Gina Galvin are taking their snack brand Stellar Snacks to new heights, literally — you've probably seen their products in-flight.

Health & Wellness

Bouncing Back After Tragedy Isn't Impossible — Three Ways I Found Meaning Again as a Legally Blind CEO.

Coming back from a devastating diagnosis, debilitating condition or loss may feel like a faraway dream. But you can find meaningful work, even with a limitation or challenge, by following these three strategies to get you back on track.

Starting a Business

This Mother of 6 Created a Hit Children's Brand Without Any Industry Experience — Here's Her No. 1 Secret for Entrepreneurial Parents Who Want to Achieve Big Goals

Ylleya Fields independently published the book that would expand into the "Princess Cupcake Jones" series and full-blown brand in 2012.

Money & Finance

Young People Should Take 2 Steps If They Want to Buy a House Without Generational Wealth, Says Financial Educator Who Paid Off $50,000 Debt in 2.5 Years

Giovanna Gonzalez, The First Gen Mentor and author of 'Cultura and Cash,' reveals how to improve net worth despite a "different starting line."

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Feed Your Company Spirit with This $200 eGift Card That's Only $35

Use it at thousands of restaurants around the U.S.