Melissa Malamut

Entrepreneur Staff

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Business News

An Outpost of a Popular Buffet Chain Has Racked Up Tens of Millions of Views on Social Media. Here's How It Keeps Going Viral.

The Bronx Golden Corral is a family-run franchise with three sibling managers running the show.

Thought Leaders

'I Get a Win Now, It's On Email': Dwyane Wade Talks Trading Basketball For Business And How He Stays Motivated

Ahead of his induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame, NBA superstar Dwyane Wade tells Entrepreneur about his retirement, entrepreneurship, and how to learn from your losses.

Business News

'Hire the Best People and Then Get Out of Their Way': Good American CEO and 'Shark Tank' Star Emma Grede Talks Management, Navigating Outside Noise, and Why You Should Always Stick to Your Mission

"There are a lot of people who have great ideas," Grede says. "There are only a few who can take an idea and turn it into a $100 million business."

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A Kansas couple has no intention of selling their five-bedroom home, but people keep knocking on their door.

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Elon Musk Isn't Suing ChatGPT-Maker OpenAI Anymore

His decision comes one day after criticizing OpenAI's new partnership with Apple.

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A Popular Burger Chain Has Been Quietly Raising Menu Prices 'Incrementally' Amid Minimum Wage Hike

California-based In-N-Out is one of the most loved burger brands in the country.

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'I've Never Regretted Leaving the Corporate World Behind': This Former Lawyer Now Makes Six Figures on YouTube — Here's How

Here are the secrets to starting and growing a successful YouTube channel, according to a YouTuber with millions of subscribers.

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