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Five Secrets To Accomplishing More When you decided to take the path of entrepreneurship, you knew that it wouldn't be easy. It is full of endless days and nights of hard work.

By Abdulla Barakji

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When you decided to take the path of entrepreneurship, you knew that it wouldn't be easy. It is full of endless days and nights of hard work. The good thing though is that hard work always pays off, be it now or three years down the line. As long as you believe in what you do and give your business the time and energy it deserves, it will grow. With this ever-increasing responsibility, you have to make the most use out of the limited time you have available.

Proper time management is always a problem with entrepreneurs, but it's important to remember that every problem has its solution. There's a certain process I personally follow in my daily life, and it has helped me accomplish more in less time. It's a process that needs an ongoing commitment, and it is not a one-off effort. Here are my five secrets to accomplishing more:

1. Get your priorities straight

No matter what it is you're doing, you must set priorities for your schedule. An important meeting with a potential client is more important than meeting up with a friend. On the other hand, meeting up with a friend is more important than going to the mall to buy a new pair of shoes. Only you know what's more important than the other. Be sure to set your priorities and give preference to what gives you the most benefits out of that span of time.

2. Maintain a proper work-life balance

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that there should always be a limit to how much you work every day. The paradigm of "all work, no play" will always end in chaos. Don't be the workaholic who puts everything else on the backburner. There are workaholics who can handle the constant pressure and inevitable stress that accompanies work, but that isn't generally the case. Overextension and not giving yourself what you deserve (and need) in rest and relaxation time will negatively impact your performance in the long run.

3. Keep yourself motivated

Whether we're talking about entrepreneurship or a 9 to 5 job, motivation is always the key to exemplary performance. Motivation differs from one person to the other. I personally like to watch motivational segments on YouTube; it gets the adrenaline in me pumping and ready to do more. It's because I know that those speakers are up there drawing on experience discussing all the pain they went through to get to where they are. It all pays off.

4. Don't work when you're stressed

Working when you're stressed will lead to a loss of focus. Save yourself the waste of time, and go have a cup of coffee, or go for a quick run. Empty your mind a bit and then head back to work when you're refreshed. Try not to overthink stuff, as it won't lead to any productive routes, and it will only complicate things more.

5. Keep your mind's eye on an incentive

The final and most important secret to accomplishing more is having an incentive. Do you have a motive for what you're doing? Do you have something to look toward as a goal state? Humans naturally have the desire to go after something. This incentive of being rewarded is what drives us to wake up every morning. Whether it be a salary, a car, or even seeing someone you love.

Keep these five tips in mind when you feel the need to accomplish more and be more efficient. It's important to understand that the human mind cannot function day and night without rest. Give your body what it deserves, and it will give back. Soon enough you will come to learn that keeping a proper agenda for yourself is healthier and more efficient- and you'll see results.

Abdulla Barakji

Founder, Business Buzz

Abdulla Barakji is an entrepreneur, innovator, storyteller, marketer, and writer. Barakji is the founder of Business Buzz.
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