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How to Promote Your Book Through Podcast Interviews and Guest Posts Podcast interviews and guest blog posts offer effective book promotion opportunities by allowing authors to connect with niche, invested audiences.

By Vikrant Shaurya Edited by Micah Zimmerman

Key Takeaways

  • Promote episodes through social media and your website after recording.
  • Podcast and guest posting placements provide several benefits: expanding your platform, driving book sales through links, improving SEO and relationships with promoters.

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Getting the word out about your new book requires creativity and persistence. While you'll surely leverage social media and run targeted ads, don't overlook the power of strategic guest posting and podcast interviews to expand your book's reach.

Securing exposure on relevant shows and sites taps into built-in audiences already passionate about your topic. Just one podcast or blog appearance can introduce thousands of ardent fans to your work. Podcasts have exploded in popularity, with over 100 million Americans tuning into podcasts monthly. For authors, this presents immense yet often untapped promotional potential.

The right podcast appearance allows you to:

  • Share your origin story, book concept and content highlights to hook listeners.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge, personality and speaking skills through conversation.
  • Connect with niche audiences already invested in your genre or topic.
  • Drive book sales by sharing where audiences can purchase it.
  • Build relationships with hosts who will keep promoting you and your work.

With a compelling interview, podcasts expand your platform and allow you to come alive beyond the page.

Related: How to Book Yourself on 10 Podcasts in 10 Weeks

Strategize your targeting

With over one million podcasts and counting, the key is narrowing down the options to identify shows that closely match your topic, tone and target readership.

Start by cross-referencing bestseller lists in your category with related podcasts. Search podcast directories using relevant keywords like title, genre and subject terms. Don't ignore lesser-known but potentially receptive niche shows where you can make a memorable impression on engaged listeners excited to discover emerging books and authors.

Related: How to Better Strategize Your Marketing

Craft your pitch

Once you have prospective podcasts in mind, craft short, personalized pitches highlighting why you and your book would be a great fit for the show. Include:

  • Compliments on episodes you enjoyed. Do your homework.
  • A hook explaining your book concept and unique perspective.
  • Key selling points like awards, media praise or bestseller status.
  • Reasons the host and listeners would find it interesting.
  • Link to your website, social media and any press coverage.

Keep pitch emails concise but compelling. Follow up persistently while being politely persistent. Offer to send a free review copy.

Related: How to Craft An Elevator Pitch That Gives People Chills in Under 20 Seconds

Nail the interview

When a podcast books you, prepare intently to maximize the opportunity. Re-listen to episodes and research the host to tailor your talking points. Reflect on your journey, anecdotes and book highlights to translate seamlessly from page to conversation.

Most importantly, approach podcast chats as an authentic back-and-forth, not a press release. Let your personality shine through unscripted dialog. Share stories not covered in the book to offer listeners exclusive value.

Discuss controversies related to your topic and address critiques. Welcome hardball questions. Podcasters and audiences appreciate humility and vulnerability as much as expertise.

Promote your book organically by sprinkling in key points rather than overt selling. Let the host guide the flow while returning the conversation to your book.

Related: How Podcast Interviews Can Help You Make More Money

Post-podcast promotion

The podcast work doesn't end once the mics switch off. Optimize the opportunity through continued promotion:

  • Repurpose clips into shareable social media videos.
  • Post episode links across your platforms. Tag and thank the podcast host to expand reach.
  • Feature the podcast logo and praise on your website.
  • Add the podcast appearance to your author bio.
  • Give the episode prominent placement in your next newsletter.
  • Mention the podcast during interviews on other shows.

Maximizing pre-, during and post-podcast efforts can build relationships with influential shows while expanding your author platform.

Related: 11 Clever Ways to Promote Your Podcast to the World

Guest posting for authors

Podcasts aren't the only appealing platform for guest content. Landing byline articles on popular sites related to your genre or topic also boosts discoverability and drives book buyers.

The advantages of guest posting include:

  • Displaying your subject matter expertise through informative articles.
  • Linking directly to your book sales page via your bio or call-to-actions within posts.
  • Reaching crowds already fascinated by themes relevant to your book.
  • Enhancing SEO through quality backlinks can rank you higher in searches.
  • Develop relationships with site editors who may share your content across their platforms or invite you back.

Promoting your articles

Guest posting expands networks while providing branded visibility. Consistently secured media placements cement your reputation as an expert author and communicator. Get maximum mileage from your articles through innovative promotion before and after publication:

  • Alert your email list and social media followers. The post will be live soon.
  • Ask supporters and peers to share the article when it goes live.
  • Repost the piece on your own site or self-publishing platform.
  • Link to the article prominently in your email signature and social media bios.
  • Mention the piece frequently when speaking or introducing yourself.
  • Add the byline to your literary resume and press kit.

Podcasts and guest posting furnish multifaceted platforms for articulating your book's message beyond just your own website. Leverage these opportunities to expose your work to receptive audiences already passionate about your book's subject matter. Plant seeds that spark word-of-mouth interest and drive sales.

Vikrant Shaurya

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

CEO of Authors On Mission

Vikrant Shaurya is the CEO of Authors On Mission, where his team provides Done-For-You book writing, publishing, and marketing services. He has empowered 500+ authors to grow their brands and businesses through their books, making a lasting impact.

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