Sherin Shibu: Page 12

Entrepreneur Staff
News Reporter

Sherin Shibu is a business news reporter at She previously worked for PCMag, Business Insider, The Messenger, and ZDNET as a reporter and copyeditor. Her areas of coverage encompass tech, business, strategy, finance, and even space. She is a Columbia University graduate.

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Business News

Reddit Debuts on New York Stock Exchange, First Major Tech IPO Since Pinterest in 2019

Reddit's IPO at $34 per share values the social media platform at around $6.4 billion.


¿Es Selena Gomez la próxima multimillonaria de la industria de la belleza? Según informes Rare Beauty, valorada en alrededor de $2,000, está a la venta

Un producto, un rubor líquido, se volvió viral en TikTok en 2022 y generó $70 millones de dólares en ingresos solo ese año.

Business News

Glassdoor Under Fire for Reportedly Adding Real Names to Profiles Without Consent

Legacy users didn't have to input their real names when accessing Glassdoor — only an email address. Now, all of that has changed.

Business News

Is Selena Gomez the Next Beauty Billionaire? Rare Beauty, Worth Around $2 Billion, Is Reportedly Up for Sale

One product, a liquid blush, went viral on TikTok in 2022 and brought in $70 million in revenue that year alone.

Business News

Dell Reportedly Told Remote Employees to Come Back to the Office or Forgo the Chance to Be Promoted

Dell laid off 5% of its workforce, around 6,650 workers, in February 2023.

Business News

Unilever Is Leaving the Ice Cream Aisle, Separating From Ben & Jerry's, Magnum: 'Do Fewer Things Better, and With Greater Impact'

The move may include laying off around 7,500 people, according to a new report.