J.K. Rowling and Stephen King Top Reader's Legacy List of The World's Most Popular Authors Reader-advocate website releases its 2015 list of most-followed writers.
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Reader's Legacy launched the world's largest book club this past January. The website was first released last June, and the first six months was spent tweaking all the bugs that existed on this massive social-commerce platform.
Since the official launch at the beginning of the year, 21,000 people have joined the club. Users have the opportunity to build a virtual version of their personal book collection, follow their friends and become fans of their favorite authors.
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Now, you can imagine that we are able to learn a lot about the members of the community, but this was one piece of information that I had to share: the most followed authors in the world. We realized that this list would be a true unbiased list of the current top authors on the planet, because our community is not being paid to follow certain authors, nor are they encouraged in one direction or another.
This list is the honorees for 2015 as the data came from the results of the authors efforts for the period before ranking was calculated. The votes come from the community of readers around the world who are all part of the Reader's Legacy community. The honorees are the authors that Reader's Legacy members follow.
Thanks to the wonderful relationship that I have with Entrepreneur.com, the list will be announced here. This list of top 10 entrepreneurial authors in the world will be updated on an annual basis.
Congratulations to this incredible list of accomplished literary geniuses!
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We have included honoree's social-media accounts and websites, so you can be more closely connected to them.
- J K Rowling (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Stephen King (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Cassandra Clare (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Nicholas Sparks (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Suzanne Collins (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- James Patterson (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Stephenie Meyer (Twitter, Website)
- Rick Riordan (Twitter, Website)
- Dean R Koontz (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Anne Rice (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
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Links have been verified. Use this opportunity to get closer to the authors who you love. They are the most entrepreneurial authors in the world. Each honoree will receive one million LitCoins that can be used for books, publicity and advertising within the Reader's Legacy community.