Switch This About Your Marketing, and It Changes Everything Your main business focus cannot be on a niche that is doomed to fail.
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Here's a little secret you may not know: If your business isn't growing as fast as you'd like it to, it may not be the marketing that is the problem. It could be your market.
Case in point — we run a monthly intensive called the Rocket Launch for our coaching clients on launching a profitable Facebook lead-generation funnel. The thing is though, before we can launch Facebook Ads, we have to make sure something very important is correct, and that's the market the message is focused on. Because no matter how good the marketing and funnel are, how high-converting the ads become, how well-written the landing page is or how engaging the follow-up email campaign might be, if the market is wrong, you can never make online advertising work.
So was the case for one of our attendees. He had chosen a sub-section of his niche, which is good, but that particular tribe is notorious for not following through to become successful. No matter how good the coaching would be, there would very few success stories. Instead, this niche would be rich with refunds, dropouts and customer-service nightmares. Not ideal, to say the least.
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