Free Webinar | Sept 16: How to Find the Right Idea for Your Side Hustle Join our Side Hustle expert Kim Perell as she helps you find a business idea you really believe in.
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One of the biggest questions our Side Hustle expert, Kim Perell, is consistently being asked by entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs is: "How do I find the right idea?"
For most of us we are convinced in order to be successful, we need a big, impressive idea. And without this genius stroke of an idea then we question, is it really worth pursuing?
Well, Kim sits down for a live webinar with us to help you find a business idea you really believe in. She will talk about what phase you're currently at in the ideation process so you're able to walk away with an idea you're genuinely confident about.
Plus during this webinar, you will:
- Identify 5 ways to generate an idea when you have no idea what busines to start
- Discover what ideas are likely best to succeed in today's current environment
- Learn a process to determine if your idea is viable - or if you should find a new one
- Master how to narrow down your options and pick the best idea
- Recognize what is holding you back, so you can move forward with confidence
- Get your questions answered from a serial entrepreneur and learn from others just like you.
Kim Perell is an award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author, tech CEO and angel investor. She has repeatedly made headlines for her transformative story of a startup entrepreneur to a leading tech CEO and prominent angel investor.
The Side Hustle Accelerator program developed by our VIP expert Kim Perell is full of amazing content including a hand-picked directory of 100+ Side Hustles you can start today! This step-by-step program was built for anyone ready to start their side hustle. Get started today and take advantage of this huge discount.