Alexa Dagostino: Page 2


Alexa Dagostino is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, marketer, business coach, consultant and investor. She helps entrepreneurs and small businesses skyrocket their business through strategy, marketing, sales, media and leadership.

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Thought Leaders

The Wealthiest Entrepreneurs All Have This Essential Characteristic in Common

Do you have what it takes to join the ranks of the most successful business leaders?


5 formas de superar la duda como emprendedor

El espíritu empresarial es difícil, pero adoptar una mentalidad saludable puede marcar la diferencia.

Making a Change

5 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is difficult, but adopting a healthy mindset can make all the difference.


Lo que vender un negocio a los 24 le enseñó a este emprendedor sobre la felicidad y el éxito

La riqueza cada vez mayor no es necesariamente un camino hacia ninguno de los dos. Esto es lo que aprendió.

Thought Leaders

What Selling a Business at 24 Taught This Entrepreneur About Happiness and Success

Ever-increasing wealth isn't necessarily a path to either. Here's what she learned.

Starting a Business

Amazon, PayPal, Uber and More: Here's What You Can Learn From These Startups That Seemed Destined to Fail

The ideas that everyone thinks will fail are often the most lucrative of all. Here's why.