Alexander Chachava
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12 Books Every Tech Entrepreneur Should Read to Lead Their Company to a Brighter Future
A must-read book list for tech startup founders
5 Things Your Pitch Deck Needs to Include for VCs to Consider Investing in Your Company
If you're looking for VC funding, you need to understand what investors are looking for in a company before they decide to invest. Here are five things your pitch deck should include.
What Does the Venture Capital Due Diligence Process Look Like? Here Is Your Step-by-Step Guide.
Venture capital firms typically follow a due diligence process when evaluating potential investment targets. This is a step-by-step explanation of it prepared by a seasoned venture capitalist.
9 Ways a Venture Capitalist Can (and Should) Help Startup Founders After Closing the Deal
Here are nine ways an early-stage venture capitalist should help a startup after closing the deal and these are exactly what differentiates a great investor from a mediocre one.
7 Tips for Startup Founders From an Entrepreneur Who Turned VC
Pitching to venture capitalists, understanding their motivation and the main "don'ts" that make an entrepreneur's path smoother.
7 consejos para fundadores de startups de un emprendedor que se convirtió en VC
Presentarse a los capitalistas de riesgo, comprender su motivación y los principales "no" que hacen que el camino de un emprendedor sea más fácil.
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