Ann C. Logue
Ann C. Logue is the author of Hedge Funds for Dummies and Day Trading for Dummies.
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How Perfectionism Is Sabotaging Your Business
Author and researcher Jane Bluestein explains the problems with chasing perfection, and how to avoid them.
Expert Advice: How to Up Your Cyber Security
What you need to know to fend off a hack attack
Trim the Fat From Your Startup
The lean movement is often associated with big business, but its principles can work for small companies, too.
How to Build Your Business to Attract Buyers
Creating a business with the intent to sell demands forward-looking thinkingfrom the very beginning.
Sticker Shock
The price you charge for products or services says a lot about your company's competitive ways. Here's how to do it right.
Bringing on a Business Partner? Avoid This Common Mistake
Having a business partner can be invaluable. Having the wrong--or no--partnership agreements can be disastrous.
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