Art Zeile


Art Zeile is CEO of DHI Group, parent of tech career marketplace Dice. A serial entrepreneur and technologist, Zeile founded and led several tech firms. He has a master’s in public policy from Harvard, a B.S. in astronautical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy and served in the Air Force.

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Resumes & Interviewing

Your Tech Employees Are Your Most Potent Reputational Tool as Your Firm Recruits

Tech candidates want to hear firsthand from workers who have experienced your company's culture and learn what it's really like to work for your organization.


Sus empleados tecnológicos son su herramienta de reputación más potente a medida que su empresa recluta

Los candidatos tecnológicos quieren escuchar de primera mano a los trabajadores que han experimentado la cultura de su empresa y aprender cómo es realmente trabajar para su organización.

Starting a Business

Study: Tech Companies Need to Check Their Diversity Blindspots

New data shows a perception gap about the degree of bias experienced in the workplace.


Estudio: las empresas de tecnología deben verificar sus puntos ciegos de diversidad

Los nuevos datos muestran una brecha de percepción sobre el grado de sesgo experimentado en el lugar de trabajo.


Could Entrepreneurial Enterprises Help Revitalize News?

We need to use technology to fix news, not just disrupt it

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