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Business News

3 Business Efficiencies to Keep Your Company Recession-Resistant

Between the near-total shutdown of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the highest inflation rates we've seen in decades, and the economy entering a downturn in the first quarter of...

Business News

12 Ways to Motivate Yourself Every Morning

It's funny how motivation works. Some days, you wake up with so much energy and inspiration that you're ready to take on the world. Other times, it feels like you...

Business News

What Scares You? 101 Quotes to Overcome It

There is no doubt that fear is one of the most powerful emotions our minds can conjure up. As a result, you may have difficulty thinking, or your voice may...

Business News

Let's Talk About Quiet Quitting

Despite the misconception that we're lazy or entitled, we work a lot. The U.S. could be considered the most overworked nation in the world. But with little to show for...

Business News

5 Innovative and Strategic Solutions for Improving Business Performance

Productivity is essential in evaluating business performance. However, it is also worth noting that productivity isn't the same as busyness. Productivity often goes hand in hand with efficiency. When people...

Business News

7 Ways to Increase Business Efficiency Through Customer Care

Whether you deal with $500,000 service contracts or $5 retail products, every touchpoint you have with a customer is an opportunity to care for them—and keep them coming back to...