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Business News

Don't Be Busy. Be Present

From the moment your alarm jolts you from a dream to when your head hits the pillow at night — your day is non-stop. Between all of your work an...

Business News

12 Stress Busters to Put You at Ease

Congratulations America. We're the most stressed nation in the world. In fact, 55% of adults in the U.S. reported that they experienced stress during...

Business News

Want to be Extraordinary? Improve Your Self-Management

If you want to take back control of the trajectory of your life, you’ll want to improve your self-management. What's that? You're not familiar with self-management? While, this consists of skills that guide us in making decisions, how we react, and control our thoughts and feelings. Self-management also keeps us accountable in that we know […]The post Want to be Extraordinary? Improve Your Self-Management appeared first on Calendar.