Deep Patel: Page 8

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Deep Patel is a serial entrepreneur, investor and marketer. Patel founded Blu Atlas, the fastest-growing men’s personal care brand, and sold it for eight figures in 2023, less than 18 months after its launch.

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Latest: Page 8

Personal Finance

20 Money Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s

Living like you're broke now is how you become financially secure for life.

Growing a Business

10 Ways Successful People Push Through Adversity

Hard times happen. Getting past them is a mental game you can win.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Diez maneras en que las personas exitosas superan la adversidad

Suceden tiempos difíciles. Superarlos es un juego mental que puedes ganar.


10 Powerful Attributes of Insanely Successful People

Everything they do is possible for you.

Thought Leaders

The 10 Mental Traps on Your Road to Success

There are far too many real obstacles to success for you to waste time on what's in your head and nowhere else.


18 Proven Ways to Stay Focused That Increase Productivity

The only sure way to get everything done is to do one thing at a time.