Falon Fatemi
Falon Fatemi is founder and CEO of Node, a stealth startup of ex-Googlers backed by NEA, Mark Cuban, Avalon Ventures, Canaan Partners, and more. Fatemi has spent the past five years as a business development executive doing strategy consulting for startups and venture capitalists and advising a variety of companies on everything from infrastructure to drones. Previously, she spent six years at Google, starting at age 19. As one of the youngest employees in the company, Fatemi worked on sales strategy and operations focusing on global expansion, Google.org and business development for YouTube.
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Make Friends With Your Fear, and It Will Do Great Things for You
Master it before it masters you.
How to Mobilize Your Employees' Connections
Turn the world into your Rolodex, the way Google, Deloitte and LinkedIn do.
Want to Be Truly Valued? Create Opportunities by Connecting People.
Opportunity makers earn unbreakable trust by adding value, are adept at spotting patterns and constantly explore industries outside their own.
5 Ways Both Sexes Can Help Solve the Gender Gap in Silicon Valley
The responsibility for fixing Silicon Valley's gender problem falls on men and women in equal measure.
Reject the Tinder Approach to Sales and Your Business Will Thrive Happily Ever After
Sales can be one fling after another but a long-term relationship is far more satisfying.
6 Ways to Grow With Your Company
While a startup's growth can be a sign of success, it can also be a signal that the company is outgrowing the young entrepreneur's capabilities.
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