Gail Goodman: Page 4

Gail Goodman is the author of Engagement Marketing: How Small Business Wins In a Socially Connected World (Wiley, 2012) and CEO of Waltham, Mass.-based Constant Contact Inc., a provider of email marketing, event marketing, social media marketing, local deal and online survey tools and services for small businesses, associations and nonprofits.

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Latest: Page 4


Convert Your Website Visitors into Customers

Turn web surfers into paying customers by combining pay-per-click advertising and e-mail marketing.


Top 5 Traits of Successful E-Mail Marketers

What's the difference between a good e-mail marketer and a <i>great</i> e-mail marketer? These 5 traits.


5 Common E-Mail Marketing Mistakes

The main reason unseasoned e-mail marketers' campaigns fail? <i>Ignoring the basics of good practice.</i> Learn how to avoid these most common mistakes.


Building Your E-mail List

Got a pocket full of business cards from that last networking event? Don't forget to ask permission before adding those names to your e-mail marketing list.