Ginny Silver


Ginny Silver is the Founder of the California Entrepreneur Collective and a business coach who specializes in breaking down the process of growing a business into clear, actionable steps. As seen in Calmatters, KTVU, ABC, Yahoo, and 13M+ viewership on YouTube.

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Business News

Not Filing This New Mandatory Report Could Cost Your Business $500 Per Day

Many business owners will be required to file this mandatory report to the Department of the Treasury — here's everything you need to know.

Starting a Business

Don't Start a Business Until You Consider These 5 Things

Thinking about starting a business? Here's what you need to know before you get registered, invest in your startup costs or make your first sale.

Business Ideas

9 Must-Do End of Year Tasks for All Business Owners

Don't let the year end without completing these important business musts.


Essential 1099 NEC Tax Information Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you are receiving payments from other businesses for services or your business is paying someone for their services, understanding how 1099 NECs work is an important aspect of your business tax obligations


7 Ways to Earn Passive Income From Work You Have Already Completed

Make more money by implementing these techniques to profit more without having to reinvent the wheel and break through your income ceiling.

Business News

I Was Broke, Unemployed and In Serious Debt During the Pandemic. Here are 6 Steps I Took to Make 6-Figures

Like many other small businesses, the pandemic lockdown caused me to close the doors of my successful business. Within one year, I went from unemployment and debt to earning multiple six figures. These steps I discovered transformed everything and how you can apply them to yourself.

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